Last year I joined the STAMP (Strategic Thinking Agri-Food Marketing Program) for young professionals working in the agri-food sector. The program is supported by Massey University, AGMARDT and FoodHQ. We meet four times a year to connect, and through workshops, case study analysis, and discussions, we are provided with a platform to gain insights into…
Category: Cultivation
Non-Chemical Weed Management Workshop
Presented by Dr Charles ‘Merf’ Merfield. 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Friday 26 July 2024 PIA Event Centre, Pukekohe, New Zealand. In person only, there is no online version. The purpose of this workshop is to give a complete overview of non-chemical weed management as part of Integrated Weed Management (IWM) and will include addressing…
Alternatives for Crop Protection
Presentations at the LandWISE Conference “Rebuilding Our Soils” In the summer of 2023-2024, the LandWISE MicroFarm grew process tomatoes for Heinz-Wattie’s using three alternative management systems: conventional, regenerative, and a hybrid taking from each. One of the principles for a regenerative system is to build natural resilience rather than rely only on a chemical-based crop…
January 2024 Tomato Update
The Carbon Positive tomato crop has now been growing for 13 weeks. Our estimated harvest date is the 5th March, so just under six weeks remaining until harvest. All treatments have had a good fruit set and are reasonably disease free (minus a small amount of bacterial speck). We are on track for a good…
Roller Crimper Demonstration
We were invited to attend an impromptu field walk at Villa Maria looking at a Braun Roller Crimper (ActiRoll) in action, hosted by Cam at Villa Maria and Dave Forward from TRS. Alex and Olivia were able to attend and brought back news and pictures. In the vineyard every twelve rows a planted strip of…
Visit by McCain Foods Global team members.
We were delighted to host a visit by members of the McCain Foods global team involved in their regenerative agriculture work. The team was interested to discuss the Carbon Positive project setup, challenges along the way, and lessons to date. They expressed appreciation of the way the project had been established with plots sized to…
Carbon Positive Field Walk this Thursday, 9 November
Through spring and summer, we’re holding monthly Carbon Positive field walks at the MicroFarm. The November walk is on Thursday 9th, starting at 1pm and includes both indoor and outdoor elements. Its main purpose is to allow people to see the tomato crops in each of our treatments now they have been planted, but we’ll…
Non-Chemical Weed management Workshop
We strongly recommend Charles (Merf) Merfield’s non-chemical weeding workshops. Even herbicide users should be considering non-chemical controls as part of an integrated weed management approach. Herbicide resistance is well established in New Zealand, and you’ll find the chemical companies are recommending a mix of controls. Merf’s next workshop will be at Lincoln in July. Details…
Soil Recovery after Cyclone Gabrielle
Gisborne Workshop Bushmere Arms, 1:30pm Tuesday 20 June We welcome growers and other interested people to an afternoon meeting to discuss actions growers can take to help restore paddocks impacted by Cyclone Gabielle. This meeting is open to all growers; pasture, fruit and vine crops as well as vegetable and arable crops. Please register –…
LandWISE 2023: Field Sessions
What will you see at the field Horizons, session? See a prototype electric version of the proven Oxin vineyard robot (have a drive!), Ross-AI bio-degradable netting clips, Croptide plant water status sensor (and the app), watch the Mulch-Tec transplanter working, watch the soil spader for sediment mixing at work, check out the Einboeck air-seeder for…