Assessing a travelling irrigator

We recommend the free IRRIG8Lite software package to help with assessing the performance of irrigation systems.

All IRRIG8Lite Tests are designed so irrigation managers can gather field information and generate performance reports themselves. If findings are unexpected, or suggest low performance, they should get professional advice.

Two tests, the energy efficiency of the motor and pump combination feeding the irrigation system, focus on the energy consumed for the work done and will identify if there is a significant lack of pump efficiency or excessive friction in headworks or the mainline.

The remaining tests are irrigation system calibrations that focus on the water applied by the irrigation system, and particularly on the depth and uniformity of application. There are guidelines incorporated in the program that guide you along the journey.

You can download Field Sheets to help record the data you need to complete an assessment using IRRIG8Lite from Page Bloomer Associates’ website. Scroll down to Field Sheets. This page also has links to a paper-based version called IRRIG8Quick. Guidelines and worksheets are available on the site.

The video below gives an introduction to IRRIG8Lite and the process of collecting data for irrigation system performance assessment using a travelling irrigator as an example.