Conference 2025 Getting to Carbon Positive!
Once again to be held in Hawke’s Bay at the Havelock North Function Centre, the 2025 Conference will be on Wed 21 & Thu 22 May. We’re delighted to bring you a conference with focuses on regenerative crop production, carbon foot-printing, and electrification. We’ll have new technologies to think about and see, we have speakers with proven track records, and we’re looking forward to catching up with old friends and new.

Do we know the footprint of our activities? How do international markets assess them and what will we need to report? We are proud to present Associate Professor Dr Pii-Tuulia Nikula to open the conversation. We’ve done the numbers on our Carbon Positive cropping treatments, and we’ve others talking about what they are doing to address their footprints too.
We’ll need energy, of course, but how much can we generate on-site? Is electrification realistic now? We are delighted to have Mike Casey of the Electric Cherry Orchard and CEO of Rewiring Aotearoa opening that discussion. We’ll have electric vehicles and a solar array with inverters and batteries available for perusal.
Conference 24 Rebuilding Our Soils
Our 2024 LandWISE Conference. “Rebuilding Our Soils” was held in Hawke’s Bay at the Havelock North Function Centre on Wed 15 & Thu 16 May.
An important theme was regenerative cropping; what does it mean in New Zealand, and can intensive systems be regenerative? That includes our own 6-year trial that began in late spring 2022. We also reported on work to address building soils from scratch and getting fields back into full production, given the devastation in Hawke’s Bay, Gisborne and Northland.
We had a good representation of new agritech covering a wide range of technologies.
We sincerely thank all our speakers, sponsors and supporters for their contributions.
Gisborne Workshop – Soil Recovery after Cyclone Gabrielle
Bushmere Arms, 1:30pm Tuesday 20 June
An afternoon meeting to discuss actions growers can take to help restore paddocks impacted by Cyclone Gabielle.
- What information is out there?
- Learning from the past
- Decision tree to guide management choices
- Early results from Hawke’s Bay testing
- Early results from Tairawhiti testing
- Paddock responses so far – what seems to be working?
- Where to from here?
Conference 23 Normal Practice Revisited
This conference focused on building and rebuilding our soils, topics close to recovery from the impacts of Cyclone Gabrielle and “Carbon Positive”, our new regenerative process crop production project. The well-loved Tech Session had new companies presenting their technologies, ideas about responsible robotics and a panel discussion led by Brendan O’Connell from AgritechNZ. Day 2 focused on weed management, with updates from the AgResearch herbicide resistance management project and insights from two overseas experts. The afternoon field event was a chance to see things first-hand in the paddock, and for many a first opportunity to see our regen project at the MicroFarm.